The ancient Greece, the Greek archaic period.
The two most significant factors that led to Archaic period of ancient Greece history are(I) The sudden appearance and slow development of the nominally ancient Greece community- structure, the polis (the term which is translated as "city-state") (ii) the vast diffusion of the ancient Greece in the course of about two hundred years, resulting to the geographical location of Greek communities over an area extending from the south-eastern end of the Black sea, almost to the Atlantic ocean. This ancient Greece era(Archaic period) starts from the 8th century when it succeeded in the dark age and end in the second invasion of Persia in 480BC.How polis in a sense came into full existence was unknown but its embryo was already there in Archaic period by 750BC this task was achieved by eradicating the type rule that was operated in the Homeric world (the dark age), in which it lacks political organization and structure and by the implementation of a formal constitution that subjugates all the citizens to rule even the most powerful men. But the main priority that contributed to the establishment of the polis is the disappearance of the Homeric world and the end of kingship ruling, which was undramatic and undocumented as the rule of the Homeric world was that of petty kings and ruler who gain their glory from petty warfare and raids. The power was transferred to the nobles aristocracy household in each community who monopolized much of the land, But they were forced to formalized the previously informal organs which we see in Homeric poem, for example, that of king Alcinous in "The Odyssey" which consist of chieftains and leaders, where the king will only call the informal bodies to inform them of his decision without wanting their approval and advise. So, there emerge councils and offices in the Archaic Greece world called magistracies (borrowing the world from Latin) with formally defined responsibilities and with machinery for selection and rotation of office based on the landowning aristocracy. The nobles ruled partly through these bodies(formal institutions) partly by marital, by kinship connection and by citing their genealogies back to former famous heroes of the Homeric legends.
The Greek communities that emerged by this time are small(numbering them in thousands ) and independent except if they were subjected by external forces. They had a township-center (even if it was very small and rural) where many people resided especially the wealthy ones among them. The town square, an open place called agora was the gathering place, but easy access was maintained so that citizens could gather without any problem. Usually, there was an acropolis, that is a hill that served as the citadel for defense. Except for these listed attributes, there are variations from polis to polis(city to city). The town in some poleis(plural of the polis) was urban, also at some other place rural but all the town and the surrounding countryside are conceived as a unit that was governed under one fundamental rule, The whole polis(state), town citizens and that of surroundings was not bound together only by economics or by subjugation, but by psychological, by the feeling of the sense of unity fostered by common cult and tradition, both mythical and historical.
The polis of the Archaic period (8th/7th century) still has a long way to go as it became the classical polis of the 5th and 4th but the start is already there during the early period of Archaic period, by that time the Greek world was already split into many communities of this kind.
Much of the land structure in mainland Greece and coastal Asia Minor is a that of mountains and habitation from the others. The Aegean island is mountains and very small. land communication is quite hard and sometimes impossible.
By the time abroad expansion of the Greeks was completed in 500BC, the aggregate number of these small independent communities(poleis) was about 1500. The Greeks now covered a large area, from the northern, western and southern of the black sea, and Aegean islands, to Sicily and southern Italy to the west along the shores of Mediterranean to Cyrene and other Greek camps in eastern Libya and to Marseilles in southern France and some Spanish coastal sites.
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The hoplite |
They are middle-class people like farmers, craftsmen, merchants, and shippers. Now that their forces had provided the dominant on the battlefield and they had taken from the nobles the role of primary defender, they naturally demanded a share in political power. The demand for hoplite coupled with those of the suffering peasants and with the squabbling for honor and power which always went on among the nobles led to social conflict.
in the polis of the Archaic world, there were tensions and conflicts between the nobles and the mere population, that is why much of the aristocratic writings of this time encroach with a violent complaint about the confinement of the mere citizens by the aristocratic. The ordinary citizens who felt they could take care of themselves are larger and yet they were being oppressed by the noble than ever before. slaves of this time were small in number and they consisted of mostly captives woman, so the aristocratic turn to citizens and used their wealth to create obligations for commoners by making them giving the portion of their produce and to give the amount of unpaid labor to them despite they have personal property and rights of their own. It was said that free citizens were turned to slaves in the sense that he had many unpaid debts that have been imposed on them by the aristocrats.Aristotle explained the situation in these terms: "there was civil strife(stasis) between the nobles and the commoners for a long time because the poor, with their wives and children, were enslaved to the rich and had no political rights" Aristotle, uses "enslaved " in the sense of "perpetual dependence "
Also, population growth is also among the tension causer. The tension was exacerbated by overpopulation. Neither mainland Greece nor the Aegean islands could support a sizeable agricultural population, and the surplus population could not be decreased by relocating them, Although the period was a time of wealth and prosperity. A rising standard of living among the nobles of the society led to greater dominance on the commoners. Also the expansion of the aristocratic estates at the expense of the peasant, many free men were forced into debt bondage by strict laws of debt, that they are compelled to serve as the obligatory labor force on the larger estates of nobles.
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