Thales of miletus


cosmology is a study of the universe, its structure, origin, evolution, and size, cosmology studies covers everything about the universe.
The ancient Greeks are known for their luxury and materialistic life, the Greek was a very successful nation in terms of political power and commercial enterprises, especially in commercial enterprises. They lived a life of comfort and pleasures and this lifestyle resulted in them having the first philosopher,finding the origin and the stuff (urstoff) of everything (universe), most of them became a philosophers and free thinkers and researcher in cosmology and astronomy and other scientific field and this led to the evolution of philosophy.
Amphitheater of miletus


Thales,the first philosopher was born in 624BC in Miletus, a city located on the Ionian seacoast which is the modern-day country of turkey. the people of this area were a successful trader and they lived in luxury and they are materialistic, they are regarded as the first materialist. The wealth and comfort they swam led them to think, and they were concern with the origin or stuff (urstoff) of everything.
Thales was regarded as the first philosopher and a practical scientist, also he was among the seven sages of Greeks. He was reported to have died shortly before the fall of Sardis 546BC or 545BC.


Thales was regarded as the first philosopher and also he was a scientist, his works focus on philosophy, astronomy, science, metaphysics, and mathematics, especially finding the urstoff of everything, definitely, this was not achieved by mouth but by work and dedication.
In astronomy, Thales is said to have predicted the eclipse of the sun, as it was mention by a renowned historian Herodotus as occurring at the end of the war between the Lydians and the Medes. According to the calculation of astronomers, an eclipse which was probably shown in Asia minor took place on May 28th, 585BC.
In the metaphysics, it was stated by Aristotle that according to Thales, the earth is imposed on water i.e describing it as a floating disc with a skydome and he further declares the primary stuff of all things to be water, which means everything originated from water.
In mathematics, Thales uses geometry to calculate the height of the pyramid and the distance of the ship from the shore. Other works that are ascribed to Thales are the constriction of an almanac and the introduction of the Phoenician practice of steering a ship course by the little bear. Also, Thales believed that lodestone has a soul because it attracts iron to itself.
Thales influence many thinkers, some believe Anaximander was a pupil of Thales and it was reported that Pythagoras visited Thales as a young man and he advised him to travel to Egypt to further his philosophical education and mathematical studies because Egypt is reported to be the land of wisdom, a philosopher like Thales, Pythagoras, etc visited Egypt to learn.  Thinkers followed Thales in explaining nature in an empiricism manner rather than supernatural, likes of Anaximander, Anaximenes, etc.
The unique attributes of Thales are the search for knowledge for its own sake, the development of the scientific method. And Thales was the first person who was known to have proposed an explanation of the cosmos without using supernatural and theological reasoning.